300zx Project Car

Will I give up? Will the z32 crush me in its cramped engine bay? Or will I end up with an OK car? Tune in to find out!

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120k service

$570 120k timing kit from CZP
$10 extra crank oil seal
$30 extra timing sprocket
$75 6x NGK PFR6G-11 spark plugs
$58 CZP silicone idle air hose kit
$35 Z1 silicone brake booster hose set
$12 balance tube O-ring set
$44 2x coolant bypass tube to head connector
$15 coolant bypass tube clamps
$297 UR crank pulley + OEM accessory belts

Finally finished up the 120k timing service. This took longer than expected, since after finally getting the car back together I realized I had developed an oil leak. My suspicion was that it was the front crank seal, since I had placed the seal in further than I was supposed to, but decided to just carry on and hope it’d work. Anyways, long story short, my hope was misplaced and I had to rip down the front of the engine again and replaced the front crank seal. This time I was careful to keep it flush with the front of the oil pump. Additionally, I also put some Permatex Ultra Black around the outside of the seal before installing it. I had marked up the inside of the race a bit and was worried the leak could also have been coming from there.

timing service

Anyways, while I was doing this I also took the timing service, I also caught up one some other regular maintenance:

For the timing covers, I went with a boring stock (but clean) look:

engine bay