300zx Project Car

Will I give up? Will the z32 crush me in its cramped engine bay? Or will I end up with an OK car? Tune in to find out!

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Suspension rebuild and upgrades

$495 Z1 street FUCA
$305 SPL tension rods
$328 SPL rear toe rods
$85 SPL eccentric lockout kit
$11 ES front sway bar bushings
$14 ES rear sway bar bushings
$100 MOOG outer tie rods
$130 used TT sway bar
$900 Tein Flex Z coilovers

One of the first things I wanted to do with this car was upgrade the suspension. Basically, the car drove exactly like you’d think a 30 year old 300zx with mostly original suspension would drive. I also wanted to drop the car a bit. However, 300zx’s are really finicky about drops and even small drops can easily push the alignment out of spec. So upgrading the suspension is really an all or nothing proposal.

Z1 and SPL adjustable arms

Some of the steering stuff was covered in another post, but here is the total list of suspension parts installed/replaced on the car over the last couple of months:

This actually covers a lot, but I intentionally decided to punt on the bushing upgrades for the rear. The plan is to, at some point in the future, drop the rear subframe and replace all subframe, diff, and rear knuckle bushings in one shot, preferably with rubber. But that is a lot of work and the bushings in the rear knuckle and LCA, at least, are in decent enough shape.


I opted to cheap out on the coils a bit. Mostly, the Tein Flex Z’s were getting lots of praise for punching well above their weight for their price. I also want to keep the car somewhat comfortable for now and avoid coilovers with pillowballs. There may be a point in the future where I shell out the big bucks for KW, but it isn’t a priority yet. Also, the Flex Zs are quite nice! On the softer settings they’re a bit bouncy, but feel stock-ish comfort wise. Around 6-8 clicks from full stiff is where they feel really great to me.